To Screen or Not to Screen: The Ultimate Guide for Pool Owners

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To Screen or Not to Screen: The Ultimate Guide for Pool Owners

We get asked this question all the time; “Do you think I should put a screen on my pool?” There’s not a uniform answer and everyone’s situation is different. We can easily make the argument for either and your personal preferences will help lead your decision, but Let’s discuss the alternatives and let you make the best decision for your situation.

1. Mosquito and Bug Misters

These cutting-edge misting systems create a fine mist of natural insect repellent around your pool area. They are discreet, effective, and environmentally friendly, providing you with a bug-free oasis without the need for unsightly screens.


  • Uninterrupted Views: Enjoy the full beauty of your pool and surroundings without obstructive screens.
  • Healthier Environment: No need to worry about harsh chemicals or constant bug-repellent applications.
  • Elevated Aesthetics: These misters can even add a touch of sophistication to your pool area.

2. Adding Turf

How does this help with not having a screen?

Replacing traditional grass in your yard with turf means fewer bugs, dirt and wildlife crashing your pool party. the less dirt and organic matter you have the less you’ll be affected by bugs and insects.


  • Less Maintenance: No more mowing your yard, or treating your grass. This also helps keep fertilizer out of your pool water.
  • Improved Comfort: Turf is easy on your feet and, if done properly, can be cooler than concrete in the summer.
  • Visually Appealing: Enhances the aesthetics of your backyard and pool area.

3. Natural Landscaping

Screens can kill the vibe of your backyard. You’ve created this lush landscape and atmosphere to mimic a tropical location or posh vacation. A giant metal cage doesn’t typically fit.


  • Authentic Environments: Creates a natural and organic aesthetic.
  • Open views: No metal box to cramp the view from your spa or outdoor kitchen.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Creates a serene and secluded pool oasis. Use landscaping to create natural barriers and privacy.

4. The Space Feels Larger.

Strategic design and landscaping can create the perception of a much larger pool area. A screened-in cage can really close in your space and make a bigger area feel small.


  • Visual Appeal: A more spacious look adds to the overall aesthetics.
  • Unobstructed Views: No screens means no interference with the views.
  • Increased Property Value: A visually larger pool area can boost your home’s value.

For some; screens are a necessity and fool-proof way to enjoy their backyard, for others; thinking outside the box can lead to a more immersive and enjoyable experience. Mosquito misters, turf, natural landscaping, are a few compelling alternatives that enhance your pool area without compromising on comfort, aesthetics, or functionality. Why limit your pool’s potential with screens when you can have it all? Dive in and embrace a screen-free pool paradise!

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